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Quality Aluminum Fencing

Are you considering having a beautiful aluminum fence installed on your property? Aluminum fences from Florida State Fence add prestige and value to any property without the maintenance of traditional wrought iron fencing. Florida State Fence has provided residents in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Sumter, Marion and Polk Counties with beautiful, ornamental aluminum fences for years. We offer a wide variety of styles, colors, and heights enabling us to tailor an aluminum fence to your specifications. Fencing is provided for residential, commercial and industrial properties.

Aluminum fence

Florida State Fence Offers a Wide Variety of Different Styles of Aluminum Fencing

  • The most popular and commonly seen style is an elegant design with a smooth top, not exposing any pickets. The gates can be made with either straight or arched tops. Style 2 also comes with aluminum fence posts and post caps, line posts, corner posts, end posts, and gate posts. Available heights include 36″, 48″, 54″ BOCA pool code, 60″ & 72″. Available colors include black, bronze, and white. Picket spacing is 3 13/16″
  • The second popular style is the pressed point pickets are even across the top. The gates can be made with either straight or arched tops. They come with fence posts and post caps, line posts, corner posts, end posts, and gate posts. Available heights include 36″, 48″, 54″ BOCA pool code, 60″, and 72″. Available colors include black, bronze, and white. Picket spacing is 3 13/16″
Florida State Fence Industrial Aluminum Fence

Aluminum Fencing

A good fence design and professional installation adds value and security to your home or commercial property as well as improving its curb appeal. Florida State Fence is dedicated to supplying you with the finest quality aluminum fencing and installations that are hassle-free. Our unique and proven installation method is guaranteed for years of durability.

We also offer a variety of other fencing options including wood fencing, PVC fencing, chain link fencing, gate access controls, Trex Composite fencing, and even Simtek fencing.

Get a Free Quote on Our Fencing Services Today