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Low-Maintenance Vinyl Fencing in Florida

Many Central Florida homeowners enjoy the rich, ornamental appearance of wood fencing but choose the same look with vinyl fence materials, so they don’t need to worry about the cost or maintenance of real wood. For commercial clients, vinyl fencing—also called PVC fencing—is a great way to enclose restaurants, nursing homes, hotels, amusement parks, and more! It’s durable and affordable without sacrificing appearance, so it’s an ideal solution for large spaces where safety and privacy are essential. Our industrial clients also choose vinyl as a form of privacy fence, especially as a way to quickly conceal unsightly waste or storage areas on their property.

Whether you’re interested in a vinyl fence or PVC fence to enclose your home, business, or industrial facility, the professional team at Florida State Fence can meet your needs with a custom-designed vinyl fence layout in Tampa or throughout the state.

vinyl fence

What Is Vinyl Fencing?

Vinyl fencing offers many advantages: It’s more flexible than hardwood fencing, and unlike wood fencing, vinyl and PVC fencing in Tampa will never need to be repainted or stained. The plastic material is impervious to water damage, so once the Florida State Fence team has installed your fence, it requires no maintenance other than periodic cleaning with a hose for a fresh look. We’re proud to offer a wide selection of vinyl fencing styles, including:

  • Traditional white picket fences or other ornamental vinyl fence styles for residential gardens
  • PVC privacy fences of any height
  • Vinyl fencing for security and safety on residential or commercial properties
vinyl fence

Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing was initially derived from the white polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes we’re all familiar with. Creating a version for fence material, however, is slightly different. Making vinyl fencing requires a careful process during manufacturing to ensure a quality product. When manufactured properly, PVC fence is strong and can withstand full exposure to the outdoor elements year after year. To ensure safety and durability for our customers, at Florida State Fence, we specialize in residential and commercial vinyl fencing and take pride in sourcing high-quality vinyl fencing that’s made in the USA and manufactured locally.

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Low-Maintenance Privacy Fencing for a Florida Climate

In our hot and humid climate, vinyl fencing installation has become an increasingly popular choice as a privacy fence. The versatility, durability, and low level of maintenance of PVC make it ideal for holding up against harsh weather because it doesn’t fade in the sun or rot away under heavy rainfall. PVC fencing can emulate wood grain and other ornamental materials to provide an attractive, maintenance-free look to homes, businesses, and industrial facilities.

To learn more about the benefits and get a free estimate specifically for your property, please call Florida State Fence today.

Versatility Is Vinyl’s Greatest Strength

Vinyl fences are extremely versatile and provide various benefits to home and business owners. You can use a vinyl fence to surround a private or municipal pool, businesses can install them for security, and they can serve purely decorative purposes. They also come in an impressive range of styles, including cottonwood, primrose scallop, and dogwood. No matter which one you choose or why you need the fence, you can be certain of the quality of our products.

We also offer a wide variety of other fence types including aluminum, chainlink, Trex, and Simtek.

Get a Free Quote on Our Fencing Services Today