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Wood Fencing Styles Throughout Ocala, the Villages, Lakeland & the Greater Tampa Bay Areas

A wood fence is one of the most quintessential and classic features of any property. Wood fencing comes in a variety of styles and shapes, and the expert team at Florida State Fence has a wide selection to ensure you are satisfied. We work closely with our customers every step of the way in crafting and installing beautiful wood fences. All of our fences are made of strong, durable materials that withstand weather and age. There are many different styles to choose from, so take a look at our gallery and give us a call today for more information. We look forward to helping make your property beautiful with our professional fencing services.

stockade fence

Stockade Fences

Stockade fences are one of the most classic styles because they provide adequate protection from the elements in a simple, timeless design. Stockade fences have a solid panel look with no space in between each piece of wood. Pointed edges on top are a distinguishing feature of stockade fences. These are great for:

  • Properties that have slopes and differing levels of terrain.
  • Property owners who want more privacy.
  • Less maintenance and classic design.

Board-on-Board Fences

Another popular form of wood fence is board-on-board. These fences provide security and stability, as wood pickets are layered on top of each other to create a unique private experience and provide security and a stylish look. Florida State Fence can help make your board-on-board fence unique with latticework at the top portion of the fence. Customers love board-on-board fences.

shadowbox fence

Shadowbox Fences

Shadowbox fences provide an aesthetically pleasing fence on both sides because the design is mirrored, creating a good neighbor fence and offering a stylish and elegant look from both sides. Shadowbox fences provide adequate privacy while also showcasing the style of your home. Our shadowbox fences feature a flat top and come in a range of sizes.

horizontal privacy fence

Horizontal Privacy Fences

A mainstay of modern design, horizontal fences feature a stack of wood boards laid horizontally, locked in by a vertical board to keep everything attached. Horizontal fences have a tremendous aesthetic quality, too, as they help to give the sense of an elongated and continual space. The clean lines of a horizontal fence provide a sleek and sophisticated look that is more modern than other fence styles. Our horizontal fences can be designed with or without space between each panel.

Fencing Experts

Whichever type of wood fence you want, Florida State Fence has you covered. We’ve been a trusted member of the Tampa and Ocala communities for years and have helped many customers by crafting beautiful, long-lasting wood fences.

We also offer a variety of other styles and types of fences to fit any aesthetic and property, whether it’s residential or commercial fencing. Whether you’re looking for the cost effectiveness of vinyl fencing, the variety of aluminum fencing, or the “green” option of Trex Composite, we’ve got you covered.

Get a Free Quote on Our Fencing Services Today