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Superior Fence Installation in Brandon

When Brandon residents are in need of a reliable job done by a team of professional installers, they choose Florida State Fence. We have several years of experience (over 15 years to be exact) installing our quality fence in the Brandon and Tampa bay area. Our reputation has been established by our kind and courteous sales associates and our hard working and detail oriented installers. It is truly no wonder why residents from Brandon, Tampa, and beyond rely on Florida State Fence for their fencing needs. Not only are customers satisfied with our work, but many even refer us to their friends, family, and colleagues in the Brandon and Tampa Bay area.

In addition to our tremendous residential services, our team of commercial sales associates and installers are more than familiar with the Brandon and Tampa Bay area. Our commercial branch has installed fences for esteemed agencies such as the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, both Tampa’s and Manatee’s Ports, and all kinds of sports facilities in the Brandon and surrounding areas. When it comes to high priority jobs, Florida State Fence is the most trusted fence installation company. Furthermore, you can find our fence securing local apartment complexes, self-storage facilities, college dormitories, and water treatment facilities. We are known to provide an upgraded level of security and have been trusted with some of the most important jobs.

Contact us to request a free estimate for your Brandon property, or learn more about fence financing!

simtek fence

We Offer Quality Installation to Your Brandon Property!

Florida State Fence specializes in over 5 kinds of fencing. We pride ourselves on not only being well-rounded, but standing out from the rest by providing the utmost quality of service we can. We have worked hard to establish ourselves as the best fencing company in the Brandon, Tampa Bay, and Central Florida area, and promise to do everything in our power to ensure you are satisfied with our work. Dedicated, efficient, and professional, it is no wonder why Florida State Fence has been featured on not only the DIY Network, but on HGTV as well. We know how important security is these days and would love to be your choice when considering a fence installation company in the Brandon, Tampa, and surrounding areas. We have been serving the Brandon area for over 15 years and look forward to serving you for years to come.

Get a Free Quote on Our Fencing Services Today