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Wesley Chapel & Central Florida’s Most Reliable Fence Installers!

There are many reasons why the residents of Wesley Chapel, Tampa, and Central Florida choose the fencing experts at Florida State Fence. First and foremost, we offer the best variety of selection in the area, we are quick and efficient to get your estimate and installation scheduled, and you are sure to be impressed by our fine quality of workmanship. It took us over 15 years to establish our reputation in the Tampa and Central Florida area, and we are proud to say that our quality of work has earned us multiple Angie’s List Super Service Awards.

If you are interested in having a fence in your property but just can’t seem to find the time to do it yourself, consider Wesley Chapel’s most respected fence installation company. Not only will you love the look of your fence, you are guaranteed enhanced security and it can raise the value of your property as well. We serve Tampa Bay, Clearwater & St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Orlando, and even Ocala and all surrounding areas.

Contact us to request a free estimate or learn about financing a fence for your Wesley Chapel property!

aluminum fence

We Offer Quality Installation to Your Wesley Chapel Property!

Florida State Fence provides the most reliable and efficient fence installation in Lutz and the surrounding Central Florida area. So much so that when the DIY Network and HGTV chose Tampa as a location for their 2019 Most Desperate Landscape, they called the fencing experts at Florida State Fence. As more and more people begin to rely on us for their Wesley Chapel outdoor projects, we have continued to grow our team with reliable, polite, and hard working individuals who will stop at nothing to ensure that you are happy with your investment.

Contact Florida State Fence Today

Central Florida is one of the best areas in the entire country to have a beautiful white vinyl fence, elegant black aluminum fence, or a strong and sturdy wood fence in your backyard to truly close in your property and give you that added sense of security. We specialize in every kind of fencing you can think of and even do temporary fences for events such as Monster Jam in Tampa, Reggae Fest in Tampa, the NFL Pro Bowl in Orlando, and several other Central Florida music festivals and events. A temporary fence is a good way to ensure proper entry and exit at a major event, it helps with establishing designated parking areas, and helps separate the general population from security, medical personnel, and event coordinators. No job is too big for Tampa’s and Wesley Chapel’s temporary fencing experts at Florida State Fence.

Get a Free Quote on Our Fencing Services Today