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The fence that you choose to place around your yard has a heavy burden to bear. It is tasked with setting a firm boundary for your property while keeping unwanted things out, as well as keeping things (such as your dog) inside it.

Using a wooden fence will pair nicely with the rest of your home and provide a bit more privacy as well.

However, like any other feature of your house, it will require a bit of repair throughout its lifespan.

Here are several tips on how to correctly perform wood fence repair and have an end result that you’ll be happy with.

1. Check for Necessary Repairs

Before you go to the shop to buy equipment or ask to borrow them from your neighbor, you’ll want to walk around your fence and see what needs tending to.

Start by checking the posts and see if they’re damaged or loose. If so, they’ll either need to be replaced or have braces placed on them.

Is the wood on your fence gathering mildew on it or unwanted dirt from debris? If so, you can either pressure wash it or get a cleaning solution to wash it with. Just make sure the solution you use is intended for use on wood.

Are there ditches from your pets or outdoor critters digging under your fence? You might consider placing hex netting or sizable rocks underneath to buck that trend.

Do the boards themselves need to be replaced? Do they have splinters that need to be sanded down? Are their loose or jagged nails that need to be replaced? These are all things that you should inspect prior to the next step.

2. Compile the Proper Tools

No Handyman or Handywoman can properly perform a repair project without the right set of tools.

Because wood fences are so intricate, you’re going to want a wider variety of equipment than you would for other fence types. While you could get away with a variation of these tools, you’ll want to use them to a “T”.

For wood fence repair, you’ll want to have a saber saw, hammer, primer, coping saw, paint, and sandpaper. For safety, you may want to consider wearing safety goggles and gloves on hand (no pun intended).

Granted, not all of these tools may be necessary depending on the level of repairs you’ll need to do to your fence.

If all of this seems a bit too overwhelming, or you lack a good amount of these tools, then reach out to a trusted wood fencing expert instead.

3. Tend to the Wooden Fence Rails

If you notice that your fence is beginning to rot away, your natural reaction might be to botch the entire thing and start from scratch. If you’re going to go down that road, be sure to reach out to a fencing expert to start that process.

However, one solution if you’re currently strapped for cash would be to replace the fence rails.

Placing in new rails will help the fence keep its structure while you wait to save up for a more permanent solution.

Start by applying a wood preservative to the rotting areas to keep it from spreading any further. After it dries, replace the fence rails and place some sort of reinforcement underneath the new rail.

4. How You Can Prevent Further Damage

Every wood fence is going to undergo the normal wear and tear. It’s out in the elements every single day taking hits from debris and other things.

However, there are precautions that you can take to prevent that wear and tear from accelerating too fast.

For instance, when mowing and trimming your yard, try to prevent them from brushing up against the wood fence. While it may not take much damage at that moment, taking that beating each week will become detrimental to the wood.

Also, prevent much or soil from getting high up enough to come into contact with the bottom of your fence. There might be termites in the soil, and everyone knows the damage that they’re capable of.

Lastly, be sure to do quality checks around your fence every so often. Most of the big dilemmas that you experience with your wood fence can be prevented if they’re caught in the early stages.

5. Check the Quality of Your Gate

As many homeowners know, there are several things that can go wrong with a fence’s gate.

Because of that, you need to take the inspection of all its features seriously and diligently check them off one by one.

Start by checking the hinges on the door, if you’ve noticed that your gate is crooked or sagging, they’re more than likely the cause.

Also make sure that all screws and bolts on it are in good shape, firmly in place, and have no signs of rust. Lastly, check the quality of the wood to make sure it’s ready to last another few years.

Make repairs to it as necessary. Remember that the gate is the part of your fence that’s used most, so it undergoes more wear and tear than any other portion of your fence.

Use an Expert for Your Wood Fence Repair Project

Now that you’ve seen all that a wood fence repair project entails, you might decide that it’s better to leave it in the hands of a wood fence expert.

Be sure to read this article on the signs you need a fencing contractor to step in and accomplish your fencing needs.

For more inquiries, please feel free to start by filling out our form for a free estimate on your fencing project and we’ll be happy to help you further.

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